I think I'm in a bit of a funk - want to sleep all the time and being very tetchy - usually with my dearheart - who brushes it off - which kind of makes me even tetchier.......so, what's a girl to do?
Hide myself in my sewing room and sew, of course......
My great-niece is turning 3 and given I'm a little bit enamoured with the Bento bag, I made her one to put her dollies in (her mum tells me Stella loves bags)...I made a birthday card to match......
I also made a 241 tote - I've seen these around the blogs (designed by
Noodlehead) and really admired them - but I don't love mine - it's smaller than I expected for a start and I made poor fabric choices - so I think this one is a fail......maybe I'll increase the size for the next one and not try and be so matchy matchy with the fabric...(because that really was an epic fail)
So then I thought, what next?
Ages ago I bought some patterns for tops for me - one of which was this very stylish 'tunic' (gawd that sounds so old-fashioned!) by Issey Miyake for Vogue - it was on spesh and I think I paid about USD2.99 for it
oh to have legs that long! |
In one of my forages around Spotlight, I found some fabric that was reduced to $3 per metre - not a great colour, but not bad, and I can always dye it I thought........and given it was 50% off everything on the table, I got it for $1.50 per metre.....so that's what I thought I'd make the top out of.....so, out of pocket so far to the tune of about AUD10.00
Once it was cut out I was reading the instructions - and finding them a bit, you know, hard - and then I saw it was a 'plus difficile' pattern - but I forged on - and here we have a delightful, yellow top - that is definately going into the dye bath soon......
it needs a right good iron as well |
You can't really see in this photo, but there's radiating pintucks across the front, the sleeves and the back. It's fastened with only 2 buttons, which is going to make it a bit difficult to sit down without flashing all my frillies - it looks alright on, but it is not the right colour for me - it kind of looks like a flash pj top in this colour I also think it might need shoulder pads and I'm sure I've got some somewhere - they'll be relics from the 80's but I'm sure there's a packet of them in my sewing stuff - might have to resort the sewing room again!
In between the abovementioned, I've been working on my school stuff - lots of samples and paint and sticking stuff - I'll have to make a big effort with these as they're almost due and I'm not loving the ideas I came up with.........
Ok, so I'm off to make a coffee and then give myself a talking to about being a miserable bugger.......