Monday, 30 May 2011

There's always a first time......

This is my very first comment in Blogland (well, that is attached to my very own blog) - for a few months I have been following some very clever bloggers and thought I'd add mine to the mix.

Having been successfully treated for a nasty breast cancer last year, I decided to follow my passion on a more full-time basis and embrace my creativity with a view to making a living from it.

I love all things quilty, including fabric dyeing, stitching and learning, so there's plenty to blog about.  I've got quite a few completed projects, which I'll share, once I work out how to download photos!

Thanks for looking......

1 comment:

  1. yes yes yes -welcome to the world of blogland lovely Katie - see told you it was easy to set up - and you thought I was clever xxxx


I love to read your comments - so please feel free!!