
Thursday 20 October 2011

a little bit of garden..

This blog comes with the following warning...


Back in August, I blogged about some work my youngest son was doing to my verandah/entrance.

It's not completely finished, as there's still some termite damage to make good on the corner (he's going to do that on Melbourne Cup weekend as he's taken the monday off as annual leave)

But, he finished building a little rose arbour over the entrance and a couple of decks and my husband painted it while he was on annual leave - so this week I tidied my potting area up (which lives on the verandah), got rid of a few hundred spiders (including huntsmen and red backs - omg - I hate those things) and put up some fairy lights and a hammock.

Buster at the gate, "guarding" the house - he's a bit of a poser.
I took this photo only 2 days ago and after a couple of warm days, the rose bush is now literally covered with pink blossom - and the smell is divine.

Buster getting into the photo again - he thinks he looks noble!
I've still got to do some planting and put something colourful (and large!) in those big pots - but that hammock is ideal for when I've done enough potting
 Spring is when my garden looks the best, so while I had the camera in my hand, I walked down the front (in my pj's - talk about lowering the rent!) and took a photo from the driveway

a bit further down the drive and looking back at the house
 aaaah spring, how I love you - the sunshine is so inviting outside without being too hot to be roasted alive, the gardens blooming, vegies growing and everything just feels better in spring.

Hope it's warm where you are


  1. I'm coming over and moving in with you! Love it!

  2. Lovely gardens! I miss the large block size from Australia. I don't miss the huntsmans though. Especially not finding one on my pillow when going to bed, or finding a wall periously close to my bedroom door covered with thousands of babies that had just hatched. But I can handle spiders, now, if you gave us pics or links of snakes....

    I used to have a deal with a friend when we were in the same townhouse complex. She'd get me to deal with her spiders. I'd get her to deal with the dead snakes the cat kindly left on my drive (yep, can't even go within a few metres of dead ones).


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