
Sunday 2 September 2012

when the sun shines, you just have to.....

get into the garden - yesterday was the first day of spring Downunder so what's a girl to do when the weather turns on a glorious display?

We have been slowly building the beds over the last few weeks with lots of poo and compost (from the animals I hasten to add!) and today we planted seedlings of toms, a load of asian vegetables just right for stir-fries, lettuce, spring onions, leeks, pumpkins and garlic.  Tomorrow I'll get to the seeds I saved from last year and get those in too - some I'll sow direct and some into the greenhouse (sweet corn for example - still a bit too cold for those).  I've also got some potatoes to put in but I have to get the box ready - I'm not putting them into the garden beds themselves as I'm still picking out potato plants from 3 years ago!

Lloyd did a fabulous job of the surrounds with the scoria and it's certainly easier to get around the beds now.

Spring is certainly blooming about - the avocado has a lot of new growth (avocados due next year) the wattle is out (so sneezing and red eyes abound!) and I just found a tiny asparagus shoot that I hope will presage a whole bunch - it's a purple variety called 'fat bastard' but it's not so fat at the minute - a few more sunny days though and I think it'll be pleasantly plump!

Yesterday I got a bit of a wriggle on with some sewing - I have school stuff to do too but it wasn't calling my name at all - this was...

It's mostly Kate Spain's 'Terrain', with some Kona solids thrown in for good measure - in between will be white (which I might go and cut out shortly) and there's a few edges to be completed too - should look very pretty once it's done - actually, might cut out a few more crosses and make it a bit bigger.......

Linking up to Fresh Sewing Day - pop on over and take a look at what others are doing...


  1. And the nights are getting cooler here. Another winter of me envying you your veg patch here we come!

  2. Wasn't is just a glorious weekend! Even I did some gardening - a whole two dwarf citrus planted :)

  3. Hmmm, I have a Terrain Layer cake, I like what you've done with it. I may be pinching your idea!

  4. I enjoy making beds for my plants. I love doing the dirty works. Digging, manure and a lot of shoveling. That's the best thing for me. lol
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  5. Just gorgeous - not the gardening but the quilt top.

  6. Oh, I love the cross quilt, great colours. You garden is goin got look great although its very depressing hearing you talk of spring when we are just about to go in to Autumn, having had no summer!

  7. Nice! Gardening is pretty much done here. Love your cross quilt. I want to make one of those someday.

  8. Whew! So glad you clarified what kind of poo is going into that garden of yours. You had me worried for a millisecond.

    I have managed to keep some leeks alive for over 6 weeks so as far as Im concerned that makes me Don Burke. With all your planting you have me beat hands down though!

    LOVE the quilt top. Sometimes you just have to do something you want to do instead of the things you should be doing...

  9. Oh, loving your gardens and your quilt! Growing avocado sounds so amazing and I want to see the fat bastard :)

  10. Fat bastard asparagus, excellent :oD

  11. I love your quilt - and the raised beds look quite magnificent! You are sure to have a good harvest from all that muck etc!

    Pomona x

  12. Your garden beds look fabulous. I've never heard of asparagus "fat bastard" looking forward to seeing it when it's fat.
    I like your cross quilt, Terrain is a very pretty line and it looks great made into those crosses.


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