
Monday 10 September 2012

I'm in!!!!

I'm very excited that I was able to snaffle up a spot on Mouthy Stitches 2 - I did the first one and it was fabulous - very talented group and the swap mamas absolutely fantastic - I almost missed out on a spot last time so this time I watched and waited, lurking on the 'net and then the call came out - I filled in my form quick smartish and hoped and hoped - and got an email to say that I needed to cement my place in the swap with an inspiration mosaic for my secret partner. WOO HOO............................

Even while filling in the form I was struggling just a little to try and articulate what I like - and then searching through my faves it was clear there was not a theme to those I'd picked - so, secret partner - I have eclectic tastes - I do like colour - but not 'all in' vomit colour (unless it's a gigantor quilt and then it looks fabulous!).  I like screen printed simplicity and clever contrasts (pin stripe v screen printed floral).  I like texture, whether it's clever pleating, ruching etc and especially when it's combined with hand embroidery (not the florally embroidery of old though!) here's some images I like - hope it helps you :)

1. Brooke's Quilt #5, 2. Fern Trio, 3. Cosmos Pillow and hand embroidery, 4. Autumn, 5. Paisley Hand embroidery, 6. Laptop Bag Brown Leaf, 7. Estojo, 8. DS's new Tetris messenger tote, 9. Frame purses, 10. Inset Zip Pouch, 11. Echo by Lotta Jansdotter, 12. echoes, august 14, 13. Red and White Churn Dash14. Not available15. Not available16. Not available

Now to load up the swap button....


  1. Oh we are going to have to make sure we give you a partner with imagination and skill! Love your mosaic.

  2. You're in, and yet you're coming out to us all... ;o)

  3. Yay there's a few Aussies in this round, not many but at least we are not alone!

  4. Look forward to seeing what this round produces. Have fun


I love to read your comments - so please feel free!!