
Monday 31 October 2011

Another leap (or is that 'Once more into the breach...'?????)

Well, I've gorn and done it now - I've listed an item in Etsy - my very first quilt, for sale, on Etsy - not the first quilt I made, you understand - that's on our bed in the camper trailer - it's also very suss in terms of construction and block placement - but this first is 'the listed on Etsy' first.

artistically draped over the barby

So, following my bliss:

  • give up work in the finance industry - check
  • provide long-arm quilting service - check
  • teaching patchwork and sewing - check
  • enrol for Diploma in Textiles next year - check
  • selling my hand made items on Etsy - check
Now all of the above just has to start providing some sort of income over and above what I spend on fabric and my world, not to mention my dear husband, will be a happier place!

I love it when a plan comes together...


  1. Hey Ms SH - So impressed with your check-list - especially as they are so similar to my own. I am looking forward to returning learning next year in textiles and design :) Good luck with your Etsy enterprise...I must check out your 'shop'.

  2. Well done you! Love seeing all those boxes ticked and you fulfilling your dream.

  3. Fantastic, that is so exciting for you! Good luck.

  4. I love your bliss list. I've one too but unfortunately need another 5 to 10 years to get into a financial position to start executing it.

    Good luck with the etsy shop. I'm glad to see you are listing your quilt at a realistic price.

  5. Congrats on checking another item off your list. The quilt is gorgeous and is sure to get snapped up quickly.

  6. I love the quilt! Good luck with Etsy--I'm sure it'll go fast!

  7. Oh how I wish I had a list like that right now! I have a 5 year plan though to bring something similar into play though (and #1 would be identical!) The quilt looks fab, hope it sells quickly for you :o)

  8. Congrats you! Happy dance!!


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