
Monday 19 September 2011


After a beautiful spring day (almost 30c - nice and warm) with plenty of sunshine and my great neice and nephew over for a few hours, which meant a picnic next to the pool (no photos of that because I was too idle to fetch my camera after balancing home-made lime cordial, crisps, sultanas and boiled eggs, courtesy of my girls, outside on a tray, with a blue cup for Stella and a green one for Cam and which lasted all of 5 minutes because Ben 10 was on the telly so we had to go back inside :0)) - anyway I digress - I'm now in front of the pc and listening to a magnificent storm - big rain, thunder (Buster is going nuts!), lightning and strong winds - I love electrical storms - we have some crackers here, and I remember sensational storms in Berlin when we lived there when I was a kid - you could literally lean against the wind and it'd hold you up - well, until it changed direction then you'd fall on your backside, much to the delight of so-called friends.

Oooooh - another big thunder roll - it's quite possible we'll lose power tonight so I'd best hurry with this post.

After Cam and Stella went home, I got stuck into my 2 blocks for this month's do. Good stitches for the Cherish circle - Kristy painstakingly cut out templates for us all and sent individual instructions - I got to do the bluebird and the horse - and they turned out really well - there's a few more on Flickr which you should go and have a look at....

Hope these are ok Kristy......


  1. These are fantastic. I really love the horse block.

  2. They are wonderful, cant wait to see them in person!

  3. Ohh, I really like the horse block.!!! So cute!! How are your quilties?? I'm working on mine too!! Hugs--Sandie

  4. That bluebird is adorable! And I love a good electrical storm. We used to get some phenomenal ones in Toronto.


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