
Friday 23 September 2011

Coming over all quilty

I joined the Quilty Trade with Sandra Kaye and have been working on my quilties - they've taken longer than I expected, but that's ok, I am really enjoying the creative process (the theme is buttons) - I actually drew a sketch for a couple of them (which I won't show you, my sketching leaves a lot to be desired) but found as I was working on them, my mind went a bit sideways, as it is want to do, and I came up with something different - and in one case, changed tack altogether.

After an email exchange with Sandie, we decided until the trade has taken place, we should only show a bit of a tease of what we've done thus far, so:

This is quilty no.1 - and that's a found button - this quilty I hand sewed together - there was actually something good on telly that I wanted to watch so I sewed in the front room while I watched it - and for the life of me I can't remember what the 'good' thing was!

This is quilty no. 2 - it's a bit of a theme - boys will be boys and all that entails - hope customs don't get too upset over big lippy kisses!

And quilty no 3 - a few more buttons on this one and a little more colourful.

So, a few more things to add, then label and send to Sandie in the US ready for the swap.


  1. AWESOME!!!! I likey what I sorta see!!!! Yeah, I'm so excited. I will email you my addy so you can send them to me. Sandie

  2. Oh so intriguing. I have my (very bad) sketches done and my buttons chosen; fabric choices are proving more tricky.... I have opted for a theme that ties all three quilties together - but hopefully they will be quite different!


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