
Tuesday 10 July 2012

Hostess Swap

Some time ago, the Circle mamas of do.Good Stitches decided to have a swap amongst ourselves - we thought it'd be a great way to get to know each other better and too help introduce new mamas to the Bee.

In time-honoured tradition, the swap was organised as a secret - we had to create a mosaic of what we liked as well as a questionnaire (have to confess though that between me filling out the form and creating the mosaic, I'd forgotten what I'd written so the mosaic may, or may not, bear any resemblence to what I wrote I liked - sorry partner!)

Well, I received the details of a wonderfully creative hostess - obviously I can't divulge the name - but I did a little stalking, read the likes and dislikes form and viewed her (I can say 'her' - there's no blokes as yet...) mosaic.

Hmm, what to make, what to make??

I'd been eyeing off a tute put up by the very talented Ayumi at Pink Penguin and thought I'd play around with the dimensions a bit to accomodate what my secret partner said she'd like...


French General linen, with Ruby Star Rising strip - the fabric flower on the front is Denyse Schmidt - and I hot glued it to a badge so it's removable

....and looking at the top

The Ruby Star Rising inner is sewed into the top of the bag to create a cover - ideal to shove all those things in there and fasten them up for safety

inside is a couple of little gifts..

a little pouch in the French General linen - it's lined with Good Folks and I stamped a little flower on the front
This is a piece of Kate Spain fabric that I've embroidered over - not all over - and it's made to hang on the wall - I think it's a 5" hoop, could be 6"

Once I replace buy some goodies to pop inside the bag too, it'll be winging it's way to wherever it needs to go.

Hope my secret partner likes it......


  1. Very pretty, I love the fabric choices! Thanks for sharing, I am sure she will love it :)

  2. I am loving your take on this bag! They are so flexible to use for so much - lovely add-ins too :)

  3. Cool collection of goodies :o)

  4. Great bag and love the extra goodies! Bet your swap partner will be thrilled!

  5. This is lovely, what a treat it will be for the recipient. The Ruby Star Rising fabric is gorgeous, the teal complements it beautifully.

  6. I saw that Ayumi tote, too. So glad to see it made up and to get your take on things. Good for you making something so beautiful for a swap--I really am envious of the lucky recipient!

    Elizabeth E.

  7. oooh, lovely Kay! The Ruby Star looks so great. I love that it's cool fabric without looking crafty (yes this is a BIG compliment!!) - well done you!!!


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