
Friday 2 December 2011

Best laid plans and all that

The abovementioned title is a bit of a recurring theme for me - I get all super excited about doing stuff and then get so easily distracted that the stuff I should have done sits in my head and blows raspeberries until I get round to it.

This morning, I thought, "Christmas Cards" - I need to get these made and posted by the 6th so they arrive in the UK by Christmas.  In the meantime, I thought I'll just check the blog/flickr/email/etsy/madeit (I am consciously trying to go on the computer only once a day - it just eats up tooooo much time) - and there's so many new posts to read, a few replies to be made, a few comments to leave and I want to link to Lily's Small Blog Meet, and maybe do the Fresh Sewing Day summary too - and it's now 2 hours later - the additional stuff will likely take another hour - so Christmas cards will have to wait til this afternoon - when I thought I might get some dyeing done - so that'll have to wait til tomorrow, when I planned to load my quilting commission project on the gammill......whinge, whinge, moan, moan.

AAAAgh - sod it - I'll play on the computer until I'm done and go from there - plans aren't set in concrete are they?...........and I will find time to make those gifts ready for when the Fat Man comes..

So here's what I did in November - plus quilted 2 charity quilts and 3 client quilts on the long-arm...phew!!


  1. Wow - your out-put is really escalating! You can't have been spending too much time on line if you've achieved all that, so I think you must have the balance right - of course something else might be lacking: you are eating I hope!

  2. :) You are adorable.

    And I find myself in the same online black hole!

  3. I have spent a good portion of time today too---fun to see all the different blogs however. Nice work.

  4. Sounds like a plan with the playing (or perhaps that should be 'not a plan' ;o) ) Great output for the month anyway. thanks for taking the time to share :o)

  5. Hello, thanks for visiting by blog - I'm returning the visit! I really love your quilts.

  6. I am currently in the black hole of the computer when I should be doing other stuff. It is too much fun looking at what you are doing though! Great mosaic.

  7. That's a great looking November! Love all the red :)

    And now that you've mentioned it, I want you to do some dyeing too. Can't wait to see what comes out of your dye pot

  8. Wow what a great mosaic for this month!

  9. What a wonderful mosaic - you've been busy!!

  10. Your work looks fantastic! I laughed at idea of your ideas blowing raspberries til you paid attention to them. :D

  11. Great mosaic - I really love your Prince Charming skirt!!

  12. Wow looks like you had a busy month, lovely projects

  13. Wow, you've had a great month of creating. Those bags are wonderful.

  14. Beautiful work, a lovely month!

  15. Wow-- Kate you have been super busy!! Congrats to you. I have been busy, but I cant show anything until after Christmas. That will be a show and tell :):) Hugs to you!!


I love to read your comments - so please feel free!!