
Friday 11 November 2011

I'm a WINNER!!!! (fantastic friday anyone?)

I received a very exciting email from Amy (the Bloggers Quilt Festival) to tell me that my linky number was randomly picked for a PRIZE - so my Jewelled Promise (I won't bore you again with another picture - but here's a link JUST IN CASE you want another look) has delivered a Promised Jewel (or it will, when the Postal Services of 2 countries have done their thing).

I won 12 - yes, 12 - fat quarters of Kate Spain's 'Terrain' from the very generous Ronnie of The Quilted Garden

I pinched this picture from Ronnie's shop
I am absolutely stoked - I have seen this range all over the place and have been secretly coveting it - and now it's coming to ME - yay team!!

Ronnie sent me an email straight after I confirmed my email address and has been so helpful, so I'll have to work out how to add Ronnie's shop on my sidebar because I said I would.....I have absolutely no issue promoting fantastic service - having been in the service industry for most of my career and being a receiver of service as a consumer, it's soooo refreshing to get great service - and I didn't even buy the fabric! 

Well, winners are grinners and that's exactly what I've been doing since that email arrived....hope you have a fantastic friday.


  1. Yippee for you! So pleased for you and as the recipient of a Terrain charm pack - these fabrics are stunning!

  2. Congrats. Can't wait to see what you make with it

  3. Great way to start a weekend. So.... When are you start a new project with them? ;)

  4. You are so dang cute with your excitement-I am so happy for you! Love that fabric line...and I am stealing your 'winners are grinners' line. :)

  5. You deserve it that quilt is stunning! Random my foot!

  6. Ooh, lucky lucky you. Congratulations.

  7. Winning unexpectedly is such a boost ! Congratulations on the surprise. I love that you are so excited.

    Thanks for sharing this for Favourite Things Friday. It put a smile on my face too!

  8. Congratulations....lots of creative fun will be happening for you with that pile of gorgeousness.

  9. Congrats, and lucky you! That's some beautiful fabric!

  10. Congratulations that's fantastic and so exciting.

  11. Hooray and congratulations on your win, the fabrics look lovely! :-)

  12. What a thrilling event--love that "winners are grinners" phrase and I'd be grinning too. Congratulations! Here's the funny thing: I checked to see if I won anything and "whoever" got this prize was 2 numbers off of mine (I was so jealous). So how fun that YOU won it--so happy for you. Knowing how productive you are, I'm sure we'll see something very beautiful from your hands here soon. And yes, that quilt you entered is so lovely. I can't believe I didn't comment on it during the festival--so I just went and left one for you.

    Elizabeth E.

  13. I am green with envy....but will be looking out to see what wonderful project(s) you make with this beautiful fabric :)


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