
Friday 19 August 2011

One down - yahoooooooo!

One of the things about making lists - other than giving you heart failure when you realise how much needs to be done - is that when you finish something - YOU CAN CROSS IT OFF!!!!

.............and so I can - Cam's I Spy that was sitting on the long-arm just yesterday, is complete - it's bound and labelled and rolled up ready to give to my gorgeous, little great nephew.  Given that Cam chose quite a few of the fabrics himself, I'm guessing he's going to love it - in fact, when he was here last monday, he wasn't feeling very well and he asked for his quilt to snuggle under - unfortunately it wasn't ready and I made a promise to him to finish it this week - and promises are big in our house - so, here it is, flung on one of the benches on the verandah - and we actually had sunshine today, so even better.

the front

When it was being constructed, I was just a little concerned it was going to be completely OTT - but the blue sashing has calmed it down and the red and bunting borders ensures it'll match somewhat to the colour scheme in his bedroom (so his mum will be happy). There are 2 blocks of each fabric (except for a couple I didn't have enough of, so I 'matched' the theme, ie cats) and they've been sewn in every which way - that way it won't be too easy when he tries to match them.  The backing is a piece of fabric from Ikea (which was about $3 a metre - why didn't I buy more??), plus a cartoon farm animals piece I've had in my stash forever.  Quilting was simple, straightish lines with a variable thread, and I'm very, very pleased with it - will do this type of quilting again - it's sooooooooo fast and sooooooo effective.  From concept to finish, this quilt took around 3 months - but actually sewing was about 2 days.

So here you go Cam - enjoy - love in every stitch.

the back
a close up of the little cartoon farm animals in the panel on the back

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